Roads & Urban Dev

Roads & Urban Dev

One of the essential characteristics of developing countries is national and international transportation. Iran's important geographic situation regarding its location on the transit highway and the gateway to various markets has made it very more significant. They have made effective use of it to generate revenue. Today, Iran's transportation system has left its old age behind and can return to its original position due to the created space.
During the years of sanctions, in many areas of aviation, railway, sailing, and even roads, valuable experiences and lessons learned were used to evacuate. It seems that combining those experiences with the latest technologies in the world, documenting them, managing the knowledge related to the completed projects, and preventing the forgetfulness of the learned lessons, will bring essential and worthwhile results.

Importance of utilizing KM platforms in Road and Transportation Industry

Knowledge Cycle: MTAShare serves a knowledge cycle and create a dynamic add-in memory, especially for tacit knowledge, and cluster this content on a knowledge map.
Knowledge profiles: knowledge profiles for users display their professionality and their former shared knowledge. Moreover, the knowledge map acts as an expert locator.
Communities of Practice: MTAShare conducts various dynamic forums (named as CoPs), which seek related experts and their efficient answers to questions intelligently.
Gamification for sharing: An intelligent gamification procedure motivates users to capture more scores for more sharing and attaining colorful medals.

Knowledge Management at the Virginia Department of Transportation

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), with about 9,200 employees, is one of the state's largest public welfare agencies and the third largest state in the state in terms of the highway system. The Virginia Department of Transportation, with its nine regional departments, is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of 9,931 km of roads, bridges, and tunnels. The nine regional subdivisions are divided into 42 formal companies and two affiliated companies—the Virginia Department of Transportation headquarters in Richmond, which has 35 operational and administrative departments. The knowledge management unit is located in the head office.
In the mid-1990s, this government agency lost a great deal of valuable experience and knowledge of its workforce due to the premature retirement of long-serving employees. To reduce these shortages, the agency hired former staff as a contracting force. 28% of current employees will retire in the next five years. The Knowledge Management Unit has been established since the end of 2003 to prevent the recurrence of knowledge deficiencies and respond to the need to identify, collect, organize, and disseminate knowledge.

Department of Transportation
Jafarpour- Former knowledge director of the Ministry of Roads and Transportation
The future of MTA in the field of knowledge management is very bright. This company has been an excellent initiator for knowledge management in Iran.